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Mass Effect: Andromeda... 1 Year Later


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Название :  Mass Effect: Andromeda... 1 Year Later
Продолжительность :   57.31
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Коментарии Mass Effect: Andromeda... 1 Year Later

Dad brought to my attention while making this that it’s the channel’s 50th video, which only happened because of those who watch, share, comment, and donate You’ve enabled me to improve my content with things like higher resolutions and audio-quality, but more importantly, you’ve made this opportunity possible in the first place, for which I am forever in your debtbrThank you, and here’s hoping for fifty more videos!
Comment from : Raycevick

Ravix of Fourhorn
Current day games have become so blant and unimaginative that replaying MEA now makes me appreciate it more At least they tried
Comment from : Ravix of Fourhorn

George Watts
Comment from : George Watts

Slightly more interesting characters would make this game enjoyable for me but characters just can't carry the weight of the story, and if the characters are boring it doesn't matter if the general plot is of best quality you can't just get invested in it
Comment from : Aykut

What an insane credits sequence dude wow

Well it still sucks
Comment from : Behar

This has to be one of the best conclusions you ever wrote Summarizing everything I felt while playing this game spot on And thank you for including that absolutely wonderful ending track "Escape"!!! What a banger!
Comment from : kengami

josh woodard
I love shrooms 😁
Comment from : josh woodard

Xenoblade Chronicles X did this story first, and did it better, and looked better on weaker hardware
Comment from : jdng86

Лейтенант Коломбо
I love this game
Comment from : Лейтенант Коломбо

Why do ALL the human character models in this game just look so off, so glossy and zoned out eyes The uncanny valley hits horribly compared to the OT
Comment from : Krêpes

These are the kind of games that I wish could be remade the ones that have greatness hidden inside Games that have all the right to be good and just need a second chance
Comment from : the_wither_archer

Rayc it's been 4 years but i just want you to know i want to inject that intro with nasa footage and disgusting bass into my bloodstream it fucks so hard
Comment from : MissKiwi

this game was class I've only recently picked it up and its excellent with a few mods Graphics are wild as well
Comment from : F R

The forced use of frostbite from EA is one of the biggest cancers in game industry
Comment from : Rodney

what i like in Mass Effect Andromeda is the open skill system, many different weapons and armor and the big planets I hope at some point we get a new Mass Effect with same big open skill system many weapons and armor and big planets but with more to explore and do
Comment from : Inukrieger

Anas Shahid 224
Mass Effect Andromeda was a fun experience, I really enjoyed the game 👏👏👏
Comment from : Anas Shahid 224

if i could have launched the pod peebee stole into the sun, this gamen would have been 10/10
Comment from : Ryos

Pause at 08:20 - hilarious
Comment from : Gabby

zerofire 31
Hate the convos and the andromeda init leaving milky way before the reaper war some how they can build a citadel - nexus and cross dark space despite the council not believing anything about reapers and dark space which contains the reapers The reapers were gonna let milky way arks cross their domain? Its not a fresh start bc the the reaper war hasnt happened yet which would have provided the unity of all the races needed to be successful
Comment from : zerofire 31

Stanislav Bryzhyk
Still I fail to understand, who let fucking casey destroy possibly the most loved franchise ever? And for what reason? Idiots
Comment from : Stanislav Bryzhyk

The Rogue Empire
the best bad game ever
Comment from : The Rogue Empire

Andy Stocking
I really want the core gameplay loop of Andromdea with the storytelling and writing of the original trilogy
Comment from : Andy Stocking

B_Ron Sports
I've always said that ME:Andromeda wasn't a "bad" game in my opinion, but it was a "bad" Mass Effect game Hell I love the music (mostly the main menu and Galaxy Map tracks), gameplay and even the crew of the Tempest But overall it just never came together fully
Comment from : B_Ron Sports

Chilbi Yito
They should have stuck with unreal engine
Comment from : Chilbi Yito

I still watch this review for the intro Well done
Comment from : TrixiLovesYou

they should have retconned the entire ME3 ending, that would have at least gotten them support from their customers, I don't understand why some companies think they can become too big to need their customers Andromeda was a mistake from the start, the concept with the procedural generation for planets honestly sound like it would suck as a mechanic to have to deal with Their vision for the perfect Andromeda sounds boring and bad even from the concept level
Comment from : Top_Cheeze

Richard Fowler
I’m replaying Andromeda right now October 2022 I felt with the news of Mass Effect 4 coming I needed to be with Shepard again for a couple months and get the old feels back I’m honestly loving Andromeda right now Gameplay feels great to me There’s been a couple buggy moments but every good game I’ve ever played had a few Andromeda does have a feel that there was a few people that actually cared for Mass Effect during development and it shows while I’m playing I’m 30 now and my girlfriend is going to have to understand I’m going full gamer for a while For sure once Mass Effect 4 is coming outbrbrAndromeda is a good game Just sucks for some of the devs that didn’t care for the bullshit during development
Comment from : Richard Fowler

Andromeda limiting you to having 3 abilities was easily the dumbest thing i have ever experienced it would make sense if you were still able to use your companions abilities but you cant manually use them meaning that you cant coordinate with your team making it extremely frustrating and not letting you build how you want and rather having to build to completely counter enemies as your companions cant be used to counter them The favorites system was incredibly terrible because it puts all your abilities on a 10 second cooldown regardless of cooldown reduction
Comment from : LordBaneGaming

I would like to say, as someone who grew up with Barbie Fashion Designer, that game was far superior when compared to Mass Effect Andromeda It had fucking bfabric paper/b you could print clothing designs on And special markers to color the fabric paper ME:A didn't even have that
Comment from : pockypurse

I really wanted this game to be great Hell I remember waiting to get back from overseas to play it I still enjoyed it but It was not what I wanted it to be Honestly I hope that mass effect comes back with a good game, the series really showed me how great a single player only experience can be Cheers!
Comment from : Jackal

I can't say why but I never really had a drive to play it I completed the intire mass effect trilogy in 2 weeks after discovering them, but I never had that with Andromeda
Comment from : lidular

A mile wide and an inch deep
Comment from : Tankmerc

The Grim Reader
That ending of 3 was so misunderstood it was a brilliant ending
Comment from : The Grim Reader

Señor Caruso
One more thing, the only thing I remember of this game: Fuck Jacob, and the Krogan matriarch
Comment from : Señor Caruso

Matthew Steele
I tried andromeda for the first time today I perma-quit the game when I heard the first krogan voiced like an Irish woman At this point, I’m just watching to figure out the quality of what I missed/gave up on
Comment from : Matthew Steele

Wuffy Wufferson
Yeah I'm still kinda grr I never bought these But these bugs and rush bullshit is annoying and I'm done with it And so at the same time relieved I never played
Comment from : Wuffy Wufferson

Chris Trajectory
this game is irredeemable, uninspired garbage I can't believe I forced myself to play through it I literally remember nothing about it- not a character, location, music, plot thread etc ME 1 2 and 3 on the other hand I can retell in perfect clarity What a disaster of a game
Comment from : Chris Trajectory

Literally Who
There's some hbrbig contradictions in this video Feels like he was scrounging for negative feedback at times and any positives were mostly backhanded
Comment from : Literally Who

Ed Meares
"DECENT, but deeply flawed game," yes, very much so !
Comment from : Ed Meares

Ed Meares
I literally did a double-take when you claimed (with NO proof to validate the absurdity) that the Nomad "exceeded its predecessor (the Maco) in every measure"brbrTHE HELL IT WAS !!!brbrBy comparison, the Maco was a Rhino that thought it was a mountain goat, capable of scaling a nearly 90 degree vertical wall (not literally, more like 88/87 degrees to the vertical)brbrThe Nomad was confounded by a 25 degree ascent that involved more than 6 or 7 meters in lengthbrbrYou seriously don't recall being frustrated by the two to three minutes of the Nomad fishtailing all around the area, SERIOUSLY?!?
Comment from : Ed Meares

Great video man! Great content!
Comment from : Angel8fingers

21:03 i just choosed a third option, put on easy and just shoot stuff and have fun, some enemies were still strong since i didnt used the inventory at all
Comment from : zoiuduu

looking back on this it really does suck, andromeda had so much potential and you can see it and feel it in the game at times, if only EA gave them more time and if the team was more assembled andromeda could have been THE best game in the series i feel like i still loved the game and i hope one day we can get a sequel to andromeda, now that EA is realizing that single player games are still loved im sure the next mass effect game could do better or at least i hope
Comment from : HECTIC

krix pop
Mass Effect: Andromeda !brThe story of the Reapers attacking Andromeda galaxy and the indigenous civilizations fighting the invasion brthe player is a Reaper
Comment from : krix pop

Cameron Standifird
Yeah, the gameplay was excellent, but I just felt like the characters weren't as good I like the couple of them, but they just didn't hit the same way On top of that it was just an ok story And there was fewer squad mates as well It felt like it was a little less of everything of less quality as well
Comment from : Cameron Standifird

I played andromeda half way through and couldn't take anymore The whole thing is shoddy We fly in on a spaceship, yet the massive Ket complex, 50 meters away from our base, ON TOP OF THE HILL, is apparently a massive surprise 🤦‍♂️
Comment from : Martin

Rey Kennedy
"You can only turn aroun and face it"brbrHere's to hoping ME4 is that turning point
Comment from : Rey Kennedy

Trash Catte
“Everyone in the Andromeda Initiative volunteered I didn’t I didn’t tell BioWare to leave the Milky Way behind They told me Because they would rather I did than work themselves out of their mistakes”brbrbrDamn dude That… yes
Comment from : Trash Catte

ACE Place
That conclusion got me chills😂
Comment from : ACE Place

Tarek Ben
Fucking EA and bad management
Comment from : Tarek Ben

Pearl Grips
Mass Effect Andromeda1 year later3 years agojust now suggested
Comment from : Pearl Grips

MMO Archives
i don't see anything wrong with this game, think gamers just secretly wanted t0 play ME1 and 2
Comment from : MMO Archives

Even all the faults the game was it still is enjoyable and I find myself playing casually with no real investment I enjoyed the new alien species as well as the new galaxy but either way you would get that It should have been way better because the game we got was the minimum a new mass effect should have good graphics, new environments, new as well as old alien species, character relationships, and choices small ones to ones that would effect your story in a new galaxy Mass effect andromeda had this mostly but had game breaking bugs and just overall unpolished finish if only they fixed this I wouldn’t have to feel like the game is only worth 10 dollars during summer steam sale
Comment from : ShogunEnder

EEE #iamstillplayin #STILLPLAYING #MASSEFFECT :a because I'mm slow? have a billion other thingz?![8p[
Comment from : lemonborn

Jay Santana5538
So edgy so badass, the ending made me feel as if I was a biowear developer and his last statement hitting directly at my heart broken as in this game is… broken as in rays love for the mass effect series Ray makes the hardest mfing videos ever how deep he goes just already instantly tells me Ray will fuck you up in the streets in a fist fight
Comment from : Jay Santana5538

Crusadr _
Destroy Ending bros still winning
Comment from : Crusadr _

Julio Bonetti
Dude, I love your reviews! But Scooby-Doo plot twists were never easy to see comming - I often felt like it'd be the buttler, but the real culprit was the mansion owner
Comment from : Julio Bonetti

8 years later, no new dragon age :(
Comment from : DireRavenEXT

For all of its flaws I have a soft spot for Andromeda, I had a lot of fun with it and it’s what got me into the series, without it I may have never gone back to play the trilogy I think it does have some redeeming qualities and I was hopeful to see more from the new setting unfortunately instead of learning from mistakes and making the sequel better they just decided to can it There were some really good ideas there that we may never get to see again
Comment from : Bozo

firerate cap is cuz everyone got 10$ cinese gamepads with turbo button
Comment from : Autorefresh

These days everyone and their mom would want to play Mass Effect: Contact brWhen Casey asked that (on Twitter of all places) it was still too early and everyone still wanted ME3 "fixed"
Comment from : K6-3dfx

John Doe
ME1 introduced a dozen new species MEA introduced 2
Comment from : John Doe

Matthias Schuster
Vanguards are not blinking You mean explorers 16:37
Comment from : Matthias Schuster

Crona Makenshi
>Fan's don't a prequel disconnected from the Reaper WArbr>"Let's make a sequel disconnected from the Reaper WarbrWhat
Comment from : Crona Makenshi

IL Skills618
This is the one of the best game series, and Andromeda once was patched and fixed Was an excellent game as well Pray they expand on it later on for the story
Comment from : IL Skills618

Comment from : Insomnolant

By now, after downloading around 20 mods the game finally is enjoyable Well… apart from the main story line That’s still shit
Comment from : Triangulis

Kiel Meakin
A lot of human exploration has beenbr"I do hope this place is inhabitable"
Comment from : Kiel Meakin

Aurora Madariaga
I gave this game a go and I wasn't feeling it The combat was fine but I never felt invested enough to care and do the huge list of chores necessary to forward to plot so I abandoned it I imagined there would be so much angst in leaving the galaxy and venture into the unknown hundreds of years in cryostasis not even knowing whether you'd survive There should've been philosophical conversations about this brand new frontier, as it is our neighboring galaxy Andromeda, for organic life coming from the Milky Way and the huge responsibility to lay the foundations for colonies in unknown worlds with potential hazardous wild life and nature, but instead what I had to witness was the characters (awkwardly and clumsily) small-talking and flirting like teens on a road trip That plus the collection of dead eyes and poker faces and bland dialogs had me cringing and furiously missing the gravitas and stakes of the original trilogy I play games mainly because of a good story and great characters, and ideally that must be coupled with great gameplay and combat/skills system Those are the best Just like when reading a book and you're well into it and still not feeling it nor caring, I'm not gonna torture myself to continue if I'm not enjoying myselfbrbrbrSo far for me the best of Mass Effect remains in its original trilogy There's still so much to discover and stories to tell in the Milky Way We never got to visit Kahje, the homeworld of the hanar and the drell, for example We never saw Dekkuna the planet of the Elcor, Irune the world of the volus Khar'shan the world of the batarians, etc And about the later, I'd love to have a batarian squad mate in a future Mass Effect video so we can finally understand from their point of view the Hegemony and their controversial history See? Still so much to see!
Comment from : Aurora Madariaga

John Doe
They're gonna mess up the next ME game by linking it too this one
Comment from : John Doe

Ali the one
19:00-19:10 Lol, yes!😆
Comment from : Ali the one

heri Helke
I hated 2 things about ME:A Stupid permanently respawning shitty ai npc And the fact that despite doing every quest on given planet, you are often sent back to them from another for a related quest At the other hand, i had no problem with any of the hoices at the end of ME3 I actually found it refreshing that despite our best efforts we are still "doomed" PS: Fk those who voted on a fresh start, instead of "the first contact war"
Comment from : heri Helke

Comment from : Pallid_Crow

Petr K
43:55 Shepard's pointless death in ME2? You mean the entire reason why he got with Cerberus / the antagonist of ME3? Terrible take
Comment from : Petr K

Dang, why you gotta play this on the lowest settings? Computer ain't strong enough?
Comment from : billy5642

Comment from : neo7101

One of the things I've noticed that people say was done right in Andromeda is the combat for me I can say that is half true I do think the combat after all these years is decent but the amount of bugs and glitches probably ruined that part of the game for me as well the powers worked they did what they said on the tin and were fun to use some of the new powers are great and really cool and it is clear that they built the system from me3brbrThe weapons on the other hand no matter what I tried just didn't work when people say the gun play is great I never got to experience that I liked the idea of being able to mod weapons even more than you could in the earlier games, being able to turn any gun into a lightning thrower or a grenade launcher or even a laser beam all of it looks and sounds so cool but most of it seemed to lower my already struggling weapon damage the laser beam did the worse it felt like it lowered my damage to 1 no matter what weapon I built it into
Comment from : dragconen

Victor Lindvall
They really should've just picked one ending to be the canon one, some get upset but it's much better in the long run
Comment from : Victor Lindvall

wing zero
Frostbyte was a mistake
Comment from : wing zero

Camryn Du Plessis
Now let's talk some serious businessbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrThe way you ended this video was absolutely top notch
Comment from : Camryn Du Plessis

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