Название | : | Why Gamers HATE Mass Effect Andromeda |
Продолжительность | : | 8.40 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 86 rb |
I discovered the Mass Effect trilogy this year and I fell in love, It has become my top 2 videogame franchise brbrSo I decided giving a try to the hated ME Andromeda And I loved It too I understand that fans wanted to continue Milky Way/Shepard story (me too), but Andromeda feels like a fresh game and It has a interesting story and a lot of incredible characters like Ryder, Peebe or Jaal brbrI think It was overhated and deserves a second chance, and I hope ME 4 doesn't forget It and combines both galaxies Comment from : __ latorre |
I hope Andromeda is not even factored in to ME4 and everyone just forgets about it lol there is no comparison between it and the trilogy, and hopefully ME4! I really wonder how they are going to handle the save data for the new game, and how your choices will factor in - in my ME3 ending Liara is alive, but I'm sure that's not the case for everyone - so how will that be handled since they showed her in the trailer? Comment from : Brittney Ferguson |
I disagreed I bought it on a deep discount in 2022 thanks to people like you, lol, and had 3 playthroughs One of my best buy I'm guessing they fixed the early bugsbrMy only grip is the loading time, although my get round was to save at waypoint stations, much quicker to reload brStory line is good enough for blockbuster movie, combat is varied and fluid, weapons augmentation is a lot of fun, like turning a burst fire assault rifle to automatic with sticky grenades; and lookout for vintage heat sink augmentationbrbrPeople kept comparing to Mass Effect Trilogy, I loved that too, but, but I remembered the graphics, especially facial expressions were even worse & the ending was so bad that they have to do a special patch just for the ending cinematic following the uproar from fans! Comment from : Andy Au |
Massive bugs issues at the relaease of the game Comment from : Edwin Sandot |
I have recently started replaying Andromeda and honestly I am really enjoying it I remember the game being torn apart by the public/fans and also finding myself leaning into the game being trash It definitely has its flaws but I can see what the developers were trying to achieve "My face is tired" isn't even a terrible line I think the delivery was just lacking If you have ever been or seen someone completely at their wits end they can say some odd things due to stress I have personally said similar things like my face feels like its melting or My brain feels like it could pop out of my face I also feel like the Ryders were not voiced by equal talent Male Ryder's voice acting is kinda bland and emotionless While Female Ryder feels more like Female Shepard as far as caliber of line delivery I have so many more thoughts on the whole subject but I feel like this is long enough Sorry my hands are tired LOL Comment from : Quina Quen |
This game was made by an AIbrLook at their uniformbrAI doesn't stand for Andromeda Initiative Comment from : Seraphim401 |
bThe terrible aiming is the worst part/b Comment from : PlatinumPengwin Music |
I remember trying to replay it while I was waiting for the legendary to release and I got bored after Eos Comment from : Shawna Millèr |
Andromeda, is still the best out of all the Mass Effect GamesbrKids will say no, Adults will say yes it is Comment from : Truth Seeker |
I'm playing it right now on ps4 and I'm have an absolute BLAST with it Comment from : Kevin Piot |
Still Cant believed my teacher voice acted in this game, so cool Comment from : CookieKirbo 57 |
>why didn't the dad and his child share a helmet to conserve airbrbrBro, there are a lot of complaints I share, but that one ain't a good onebrbrThey drag Ryder back to the ship and the air they'd inhaled was so poisonous they were fucked with just the breaths they'd taken, had fallen unconscious already, and needed AI-moderated healing to undo the damage dealtbrbrThe entire point of the dad giving his child his helmet is that he knew the atmosphere was poisonous and they were screwed without itbrbrPeople really do underestimate how quickly toxic gases can kill them Comment from : KinKrow |
Tbf its boaring af to play Comment from : Godly Playz |
I don’t hate it because my expectations were low I enjoyed it Comment from : Joel G |
Andromeda felt like it was made for children, mass effect in name only Comment from : A Jez |
They hate the game because its wokebrMost games in this age are unpolished but gamers stills play thembrThe truth is no one wants WOKE games! Comment from : Rodney Delboy |
All I had to do was look at it It is ugly, because it is made by people who despise beauty People who despise beauty can't make art, of which video games are one medium Comment from : Plasmafox |
Mass Effect Andromeda caused so much damage to the lore and story I wish it never existed In my head it's a goofy spin off fan fiction Comment from : TastySanchez |
People hate it because a 6 year old kid have made a better story line and game that this piece of aborted trash Comment from : The Truth |
I spent 83 hours in this game to be met with a gamebreaking bug that made the Nomad violently flip and spin outta control until I died in the explosion Even my previous save files stopped working, it went through my game like a virus Never again 83 hours wasted I won't even glance at the next game by these incompetent douchebags Comment from : Deenan TheKemon I |
For me I tried replaying the game recently and I just can't get into it It just doesn't have the same feel as the trilogy The lack of a power wheel is really what does it for me though I hate having to pause constantly just to get a new power choosen It's too time consuming and just annoying Comment from : Viper631 |
Good exploration stunning locations,good combat in rest I don't care at all lol Comment from : Alessandro Del Piero Juventus Legend |
Played it recently for the first timebrHonestly expected much worse for the rep it hadbrbrThe story is ok Nothing too special, but not bad It has the right vibes most of the time and while it doesn't inttroduce much in the way of new species, what we get is pretty goodbrThe characters are mostly ok The ones you interact with the most don't reach the highs of most of the original trilogy crews (with maybe a couple of exceptions), but I also feel they rarely are as boring as some of the trilogy companions (looking at you Jacob, sorry)brFacial animations are a pain tho, no defending thhatbrHowever the truly big problem is the lack of choices that actually affect much Sure, without the benefit of 2 sequels no choice has the possibility of being as impactful as some of those in Mass Effect 1, however there truly aren't consequences to most stuff And even less consequences of actual note Comment from : Riccardo Gemme |
this guy is trying so hard to be politically correct lol just call them out on their bs bro Comment from : Youtubeeee |
all face looks like barbie dolls Comment from : STREAMINGOMEGA MEGATRONUS PRIME |
It's just not the same with out returning characters It would of been better if you played as shepered in the aftermath of the reapers Comment from : mythical dragon memez |
This game had so much going against it The first Mass Effect Trilogy was perhaps the greatest video game story ever told, and Shepard arguably the greatest player created character in gaming history And because you heavily shaped the narrative AND who that character was, you had a deep connection with both the story and the characters It was painful to leave that world THAT is what Andromeda was going up against I think this game was penalized by fans for being as open world as it was I think people wanted something familiar with Andromeda, and they really didn't get it So a 'bigger and better' world actually hurt it The story by itself was just fine But stacked next to the Trilogy, it was pathetic in comparison Your squad mates were just fine also But because they insisted on using largely the same races, each one would draw a comparison to characters you developed a deep bond with in the Trilogy And they just weren't good enough to stand up to the originals in most cases Add in that they somehow managed to make every character unattractive including your own, no matter what you did with them, it was doomed to be panned by fans Yet, if you take it for what it is, as a standalone, it's actually a really fun, and interesting experience Comment from : Adam Robinette |
Interesting stuff in the video, especially since this way made before Baldurs Gate 3 came out and exploded Comment from : Default Name |
Andromeda was a big screaming WHYSo much untapped potential Comment from : Spyros P |
I can forgive most of these flaws but the absolutely awful voice 'acting' by 99 of the Angara is sickeningly awful Plus the fugly cut and paste Asari make my eyes bleed Comment from : TechTonic |
I played a need for speed game using frostbite engine and the facial expressions are as bad as they are in mass effect andromeda Comment from : Leonardo Sehnem |
I liked the game Comment from : Dynamite Dingo |
ME: A sucked! From character creation to how the NPC's didn't really adhere to their racial qualities from the first 3 This was SUCH a deviation from the ME universe that it really turned me off The other thing that bothered me was the cluncky interface when it came to combat and movement Overly complex and just awful! I didn't even finish this POS of a game Comment from : Melissa Kelley |
MEA isn't a roleplaying game You don't shape the personality of your playable character, like in ME 1-3 Comment from : The Sorrow |
I enjoyed this game a lot It's badically a spinoff with a different story Comment from : Airhunter |
That boring exploration and crappy story are what got me The jump pack gimmick thing was dumb as well They made rookie mistakes when they had three games before That are all better than this one I for one think how could you mess it up Not the visuals thing but all the things that made mass effect good They could have at least got that stuff right Comment from : bn137 |
I love Andromeda I played it first in 2021 so I didn't experience any major bugs Of course it's not better than original trilogy but it's hard to beat it I'm sure the upcoming Mass Effect will be worse than trilogy too Shame that people overreact and hate on good games so devs decide to not support the game after a ahort time The same happened to Cyberpunk 2077 OUTSTANDING game that will unfortunately have only one DLC instead of planned 2 because of on release hate Comment from : Adjusting |
the thing i hate about mass effect Andromeda is the controller bug and it's bloody awful it's unplayable for PC Comment from : Magdalena Nurlaneva |
Not just weird body movements - characters stand in really odd relationship to one-another Liam in particular stands uncomfortably close to you when you first land the Tempest on Eos, despite the interior once again (its chronic to Mass Effect generally) featuring spaces that are affectingly spacious and over-sized Comment from : James DeRiven |
As my first Mass Effect I fcking loved it I could totally see the trilogy being better though Makes me want to play the trilogy Comment from : Michael Parkerson |
i would forgive the dev's in a heartbeat if the developers just were able to get the stuff together with DLC and follow up with a sequal more worthy of the name Comment from : Terrorrai1 |
I didn't hate this game, but this was after a lot of fixes and I got it cheap I had fun with this game, while yeah the writing at time did suck and it's not as strong as mass effect 1 and 2 brbrTho in my opinion it's a little bit better than 3, not the final dlc tho There was a few things I like, such as the banter, the new alien race and the ranment monsters you had to fight brbrPlus actually seeing the planets slowly becoming more and more livable was cool Comment from : Justin Spencer |
Anybody going to mention that pretty much all the main characters were physically unattractive? There were no beautiful women and no cool looking men They all looked bland and boring Comment from : The Barricade |
I enjoyed it for the most part It's a deviation, but it was going against the original triology which it was always going to have a hard time Facial animations were lacking, also the small body thing was plain wierd for me Comment from : ickbar |
The facial animations are obviously bad, but they didn’t hinder my experience personally Comment from : Put the money In the bag |
I'm pretty sure we can chalk Bioware's demise to EA demanding too much from a singleplayer studio and outsourcing work to devs that didn't know what they were doing Look at Anthem and how EA tried so hard to get Bioware to make a dedicated looter-shooter with no real vision EA even tried making DA:D multiplayer before announcing that Bioware aren't going to focus on multiplayer games anymore Comment from : Michael |
My issue was no Shepard Comment from : Natehost11 |
The lack of choices impact got me to leave Comment from : gundam2jimmy |
i have to mention this because it was said sorry - all the bugs removed and fixed? this game has so many bugs in it almost puts skyrim to shame i cant go 1 mission without at least 3 bugs, the facial animation is fixed mostly for Sera as Scott still looks like hes stoned in most conversations, sucks we missed out on the dlc i would of liked to see it Comment from : uhLaraCroft |
I refer to this game as"The game that shall not be spoken of" Comment from : Rodger Broadway |
Let's not forget the horrific voice given to the KroganLOL Comment from : Rodger Broadway |
Best Mass Effect is Andromeda Exploration & story Comment from : Garrus Vakarian |
I actually loved this game and "Andromeda is better than ME2" is a hill I will die onbrEdit: Andromeda is the only Bioware game I romanced anyone in It was Vetra Comment from : Ventexo Vakon |
I just couldn't stomach finishing this game I got over the crap animations with mods but it did little to help me like the game by hour 2 The story and characters are just awful ME1 is a great example of what we wanted - it didn't have the best combat system but it excelled in great story telling, choices and complex characters Almost everything in ME:A is redundant Comment from : Jon |
As a gamer who took two decades out for work, and so has spent the last few years working through classics at bargain prices, I moved onto Mass Effect legendary recently, and have been loving it Interesting to see Andromeda went for an open world concept, and I see why as it’s lacking in 2 and 3 especially However that’s very hard to do Overall, Andromeda sounds like one to pass on Presumably ‘Mass Effect 4’ will not be here until 2027 earliest Compared to most though, I have nothing to complain about Comment from : Libertas |
The removal of the paragon / renegade system didn’t help I suspect it also contributed to the lack of thought about consequences for player choices Comment from : Nocturnal |
Are we ever going to stop comparing this ONE GAME with the entire trilogy of games? How is it possible that so many youtubers and media in general don’t realise how unrealistic that comparison is? Compare Amdromeda to ME1 bc that’s what it was supposed to be: first in a trilogy And it’s as good or even better than ME1 in many aspects Comment from : J |
so they just millenial'd mass effect? Comment from : RABITOF |
Yep; very incisive criticism Comment from : Philip Harris-Smith |
Felt like the same story but with shitty characters Comment from : Darth Bane |
I played 10 hours of that game and knew that it was just not for mebr1 Ryder is such a pushover that she got called an inbred by Ms Tired face Imagine doing that to Shepardbr2 After 10 hours, I could not name a single companionbr3 Every single Asari NPC looks the same br4 The characters just felt like rip-offs Comment from : CuriousBong |
lol "even this nazi noticed it was bad, but we're mentioning him because he's popular" Comment from : Lodane Erisian |
I loved the game Comment from : Adults At Play |
I don’t hate it, but it’s the worst Mass Effect game The ending being the main reason but also the companions aren’t memorable in the slightest Comment from : mystery79 |
The game was a joke and only lives on as a meme The character design was awful as well as the writing Comment from : Dothreban |
This game had the chance to fix the bitterness which ME3 left and create something new and unique Insteadit was a massive FLOP Comment from : Христо Попов |
People hated it because a racist was behind it's development Comment from : whisp |
I recently picked up this game during the Steam sale, and while I've enjoyed the companion banter and some of the loyalty quests, I am /dreading/ doing a replay The quests are tedious, the landing/departure cinematics take forever, the TEMPERATURE WARNINGS can't be turned off, there are still quest bugs, i hate having to hold E to use everything (why can't i just tap once and be done?), and my god, the Remnant puzzles and vaults can fuck right offbrbrIF the next mass effect enables you to import a save from Andromeda, that's the only reason to replay it and try to get the outcomes i want But i really hope they'll do something similar to Mass Effect 2 and give us a comic thing to choose critical decisions without having to force our way through that game againbrbrOh, and I nearly forgot: the SAM's Memories quest A critically important quest for learning some very important details about the Initiative is locked behind a tedious fetch quest And I mean fucking TEDIOUS! I'm so goddamn tired of all these quests that are "ON HOLD", forcing me to sit on my hands and wait for a resolution EVENTUALLY These are supposed to be important story pieces to add intrigue and understanding, and they make it a fucking slog to actually do? Bioware, for christ's sake, get people who know what the fuck they're doing! Or at LEAST have experienced people around to keep these young story tellers in check I understand you don't become a better writer without some failures along the way, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with having older, wiser mentors around to tell people that something doesn't work because of whatever reason Forcing us to endure tedious fucking missions that CONSTANTLY have us back tracking is ANNOYING and that shit can fuck right off! Comment from : BETRvids |
Because it's the right thing to do Comment from : Leonerd17 |
I played Me:andromeda first and the original trilogy afterbrI think its the better way to play the game 😂, in general I dont dislike me:andromeda but its certantly not as good as the originals Comment from : Tommaso Vittorio Maffei |
The only people that find quests fun on this andromeda game is "trophy hunters" Comment from : Neutral Person |
It sucked plain and simple I played the original trilogy at least 4-5 times possibly more Mass Effect Andromeda was a one-and-donebrIt also didn't help you had to solve riddles which In I'm terrible in doing so usually play as male and female Shepard but with Andromeda first completed the game as male RyderbrIt was so bad when I was playing as female Ryder i just felt like I can't go through this crap I never completed it to this day Comment from : TalkTopicsCity |
I loved it sooooooo much Iv played it 9 times Already ,, and going for me 10 th Soon ,,👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 Comment from : JOHN SMITH |
Huh Now WHO WOULD HATE MASS EFFECT you have to be a complete Idiot to ,,,,,,, or a no brainer ,,,,,,,THERES ALOT OF PEOPLE THAT LOVE THIS GAME Especialy This HOT CHICKIE BABE , PEEBEE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍👄👄👄👄👄👄👄💚💕💖💖💛💛💜💜💋💋💋💋💜💜💜💓❤❤❤❤💗💗💘💘💝💝💝💘💘💗💟👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💟💟💟💞💞💕💖💛💛💛💚💚💚💛💜💋💋💋💋💋💛💚👄👄👄💓❤VA VA VA VOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM Comment from : JOHN SMITH |
not only facial animations, also twitching legs, Turians with weirdly colored face plates ranging from bright white to dark mossy green, a whole lot of familair aliens missing from Elcor, Volus, Quarians, Drell, Hanhar and the game is basicly a re-write of Mass Effect 2 lackluster and uninteresting team mates such as Cora, Liam and Dr T'Pero ALL Asari except for Peebee having the exact same face model and the new race you discorvered, the Angara are bland and more akin to the Turians considering how Militairistic they arebrbrand out of all these issues, i find the stocky, wooden leg animations the worst, especially when you combine that with the twitchy leg stuff Comment from : Slade Valentine |
easy answer, they tried to go woke and paid the price for it i'm sorry, but you can not convince me that the creators of this game weren't obssesed with "being progressive" and "fighting the patriarchy" and priotized that over actually telling a good story all you have to do to see this is the case, is to look at the designs of the main characters for those who don't know, the mass effect leads were modelled after real life people for example, male shep was based on mark vanderloo the models for ryder meanwhile were steven brewis and jade rossi yet, while male ryder is a 1:1 copy of brewis, female ryder looks nothing like rossi they intentionally made her less conviently attractive to "be more progressive" and to "deobjectify women" or whatever bs justifaction they used, and the trend carried over to the rest of the game (they wrote a code to make female character less attractive, resulting in the infamous face glitch issue that was so come when the game first launched) this shows the mentality of the people in charge of the project they were more focused on patting themselves on the back for being "progressive" and "subverting conventions", instead of actually writing a good story and characters, and the game bombed because of it shame, would have been interesting to see how the game would have turned out in more competent hands Comment from : thechatteringclown |
The reason people hate it is because it's not the first three games and they refuse to see it's actually really good because they're blinded by nostalgia Comment from : Gerstein03 |
here’s the solve for the facial animations make less human characters nobody critiques the facial features of any of the alien races save for a dark, which are blue humans model wise Comment from : Funkytowwn |
Offline MMO Nothing more to say Comment from : Otakar Lojkasek |
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