Название | : | CRITIQUE: Mass Effect: Andromeda - A Terrible Game |
Продолжительность | : | 2.23.50 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 2 jt |
Quick note: I'm aware I make a bit of a hash of pronouncing "Moshae" a couple of times in the video I struggle with this kind of thing, and no matter how many times I listened to the word in the game audio, it just kept coming out in different ways why I read from my script I also say "ansari" a few times instead of "asari" and I have no idea why Comment from : Chris Davis |
can you reverse the playlist so ME1 plays first and andromeda plays last? Comment from : Helminth Combos |
Anyone know why the Asari look like babies in this game? 🤣 Comment from : Brad Mace |
Your take on Starfield would be interesting Comment from : DeimosXVX |
I only like Mass Effect one two and three that’s it Comment from : Colin |
In regards to comments made that Cora should have been made Pathfinder at the 16:00 mark, no she shouldn't have She is a follower who is unable to think for herself She is always quoting from and acting upon the ideas of others and doesn't have an original thought in her head Making Scott or Sara Pathfinder was the obvious choice Comment from : Truett Edgell |
Holy shit the walk cycle on the archon as he marches away 17:12😂 Comment from : Guymcperson |
Howcome no one ever mentions how ugly the charachters in this game are Definitely don’t fit the part of soldiers or explorers in any way Comment from : Oozlemcboozle |
That ravine teleport was my kryptonite I almost quit Comment from : Daemon Black |
12:00 Left over concept artOuch That was one of my top 3 gripes, the Villan was uninspired Comment from : Greg Longmore |
I was going to say something but i forgot already Comment from : I Luv Games |
You were wrong thinking we would only get one DLC! Comment from : Stuart McCrae |
Never played Mass Effect 1? That's by far and away the best in the series and it's not even close It gets a 9 2 a 7 and 3 a 6 Comment from : SpartanQ77 |
"Waves of ket" Devs were probably hoovering it up while making this Comment from : Jeeves |
Also this is kind of a nitpick, but I find it incredibly lazy that some of the lines your companions say in combat were just copied from the original trilogy Particularly Jaal, saying "one less to worry about" and "Never saw me coming" which are distinctly Garrus's lines, but with worse delivery They seriously couldn't think of a different phrase? Comment from : Lacey |
What's funny too is thinking about the exiles, people like Sloane Kelly who escaped to Kadara and are gang leaders now Why were these type of people the first to be taken out of cryo? The first people out of cryo would be scientists, high-ranking military, doctors, etc And it would have been far more compelling to see these people who became criminal leaders who were actually respectable and incredibly smart people But that would require them to have interesting motives, and the writing team clearly has no idea what a motivation even is Comment from : Lacey |
I started playing that crap a few days ago I now miss Jacob Comment from : Chèvre non-binaire en quête de respect |
I feel like Jaal's devastation from finding out the kett were angara was a little hollow Like yeah, I get the sadness and conflict, but it feels a little hollow that he's so devastated that he's been killing his own people when you've been fighting angara in the roekaar You'd think the sadness was that this was happening to them, like seeing your friend turned into a zombie, not so much sadness of 'I've been killing my own people?!' Comment from : Lacey |
Why did you make Sara "Trump" Ryder?? Comment from : Big Bite Hood |
"Now i know what makes youspecial"brFallout music plays Comment from : Продавец Снов |
It might not be the best but its still worth trying out its only 15 Comment from : John Meador |
i feel an easy fix for not sharing the helmet is that the air is toxic in some way that messes with the lungs and cases them to spasm so you cant effectively hold your breath and sharing the helmet back and forth would just result in them both breathing in more and more of the air so only one of them could keep it on, since sams fond of exposition simply have him state that and that the helmet is damaged beyond the limits for repair so the father makes the sacrifice for his child knowing it will kill him, a last spurt showing his character as being family oriented despite his military personality Comment from : D A H |
It's not a bad game at all Comment from : Facts-Hurt-Feelings |
Lol nah The game was great and the story was amazing You're a damn fool You're just comparing it to the OG3 It's not the best ME game, but it's still a good game brbrTerrible launch, but once it was fixed it was amazing Comment from : Attackins |
definitely dodged a bullet by not playing this game Comment from : Delphi Priestess |
Andromeda is an insult to mass effect Comment from : Crashtest Clay |
I bought it for only $5, so it was definitely worth it Comment from : looking |
Why didn’t they set it during the First Contact War or better yet the Rachni Wars? Imagine a sci-if game with no humans in it, that would be awesome And why didn’t they make more alien alien races so to speak, the two races that were introduced were way too human-like Comment from : Wooksley |
45 hours? Oof No thank you Big preesh you suffered so I don’t have to Nice overview too, very in depth Comment from : Gilly Monster |
I figured out why the humanoid characters look weird The eyes look disconnected, and their faces look like masks worn over a too small head Comment from : Gilly Monster |
Wait, they fixed the planet but still can't breathe? What's the point? Comment from : Gemma |
I hope this IP makes its way into the hands of competent designers again some daybrThis atrocity is a thing which will never occupy my storage: utterly vapid 05-dimensional bullshit Comment from : Geroff Milan |
Omg the games graphics look worse than ME1 Comment from : YellowSkrub |
I didn't completely hate this game I just saw it as a mindless distraction from life Actual mass effect games provoke thought, consideration and planning Comment from : maximus araleus |
Meh Comment from : Lord Mortos |
Hey just a question: Was ever explained in this crapfest how the MW races were able to comunicate with the Andromedanians in game, like if their in suit translstors were speedy updated?🤔😒 Comment from : Oskar Toledo |
Long story short -brbrThe A team stayed behind to fight the reapers brbrThe B team was sent to Andromeda Comment from : John Doe |
There was really only 1 true great mass effect game and that was mass effect 2 1 aged poorly, and 3 was a dumbed down EA generic 3rd person shooter The story is what carried the whole series, but 2 had all the gameplay, characters, and world building we all loved masterfully done It still holds up great as I replayed it again last year Comment from : MelbuFrahma |
If at least it was a complete game, I could overlook some of the shitty quality But the fact that half the story was literally never even written, pisses me off to no end Comment from : HMan |
I think the PC version I played was better than console versions Also, a lot of people are upset it's not a continuation of Shepards story I had a fairly decent time playing it, but there might have been a few too many side fetch quests as you say, and I have a hard to ignoring them I can agree that I like the Original trilogy a lot more Comment from : Peter Zimmerman |
Okay wait a minute The year is 2184 but they were cryogenically frozen 600 years before In 1584 Right Comment from : P3R1S1T3 |
Something that irritated me was the reveal of Cora being a biotic on Habitat 7 Biotics are not that rare so why they decided to treat them as some sort of new magical ability that nobody knows about makes no sense It’s so minor but it’s the little things like this and the Tempest intro that tried to be better than it was that pissed me off I guess I just felt a little hostile to the game pretty easily for no good reason and the game never earned me turning that around I never managed to finish itbrbrI also wish they gave Ryder the DA2 treatment of personality tones Ryder is younger and less experienced than Shepard so I wish we could play between a Ryder that is trying to be responsible and inspiring and a Ryder that is more flippant and not suited to the role of pathfinder Have people react to us differently depending on which tone is active at the timebrbr1:25:20 Basically describing Dragon Age Origins and to a much lesser extent DAI Perfectly good concept that they didn’t use here sadly Comment from : Xenon |
Just spot on video about this unremarkable and costly game if gamers were pissed with cyberpunk (I wasn't my PC version was quite good Amazing story and you can feel the attention now that we have 16 patch released) they should not only get the money back but a big big set of apologies from BioWare They destroyed an iconic franchise and they literally did nothing to fix I am still puzzled by the poor quality of the story (being generous here) and the cringing graphics (facial animation is almost farsical if it wasn't so painful to look at) Comment from : Gianpietro Previtali |
I hated the combat in this game most of all The lackluster weapons felt inept even for level 1 enemies Comment from : Average_Dino |
i stopped watching when he said he never played ME1 xD Comment from : PWNyUp |
ME:A is the ifirst/i Mass Effect I've iever/i played With that said, I looked into the other games This guy makes a good point but I'm gonna go ahead and be an NPC by saying I found ME:A enjoyable despite it being another one of those bland, unimaginative, cliché, predictable and generic "modern" takes on sci-fi games, if you catch my drift The first three remain supreme, though Comment from : Phroxxor |
This game has such potential boring story, awful character faces and builds, atrocious role playing You're character is only SAMs tool Horrible game Combat is smooth and fluid, the only good part Comment from : William Bragg |
I loved it better than previous Comment from : Cyber Operator |
The fact that the salarian pathfinder is female is against the lore Female salarian stay away from combat or dangerous roles because most salarian hatch male but whatever i guess Comment from : Reaper Husk |
The game had its ups and downs it's not a game I would recommend to my friends game was a buggy mess but the game play was good with the jump Jets and stuff was good and fun to use the game play wasn't that bad either but I can't see myself going back and playing it I rather stick to Mass Effect 1 2 and 3 Comment from : Warrior Norman |
I loved this game I also love how much people shit on it Comment from : Kyle Harp |
I'm only human Comment from : MidTierMortal |
I think this review did not age well Is MEA a master piece? No, what game is perfect After the bug fixes, there are many things that I really enjoyed; the world building, combat, and the big bad was fairly unique and interesting brbrIf you are reading this now, it's worth a play through Comment from : Drunkard Farnham |
Game is great if it was named anything other than Mass Effect all the fan boys wouldn't cry and would love the new fresh game play Great combat and graphics story and world's Literally a bunch of fan boys sad it's not Sheppard clapping alien cheeks Mass effect 1-3 had horrible facial animation 2 I know damn straight if this game was a new IP with a different name everyone would be like oh give them a chance to patch it like they did the second week Story is fine considering the time and the size of the game and it was made in 18 months stop crying about a good game Wait until you see 2077 and the new Saints row if you want to see a bad game 🤣 Comment from : Bald Badger Games |
Dear sweet lord the writing for this game is almost as vomit inducing as it’s animations I’m glad I never bought this game Comment from : Gubbins McBumbersnoot |
its 2woke4me Comment from : unused |
Also don't forget the fact that the dad is an N7 operative and can't even hold his breath for more than a minute Makes you wonder how he even got the rank Comment from : Cockroach Stomper 2049 |
Is not only not an RPG, is not a Mass Effect game at all Comment from : 𝙇𝙄𝙇𝙔 |
It is an okay game that should have had another year of development and play testing before release Too bad EA pulled the teams and stuck them on Anthem, another failed title Comment from : James Harvey |
My least favourite part of the combat is that andromeda can’t decide whether it’s a cover shooter or a mobility based shooter It tries to be both and hence fails at each Comment from : TenthSgtSnipes |
Well, I loved the game! Comment from : KOSTAS DINOS |
I didn't feel, It didn't look and it didn't play like a ME game The graphics didn't even need to amazing it just shouldn't have looked like a colour vomit and full of aliens which looked like a kid drew the concepts for! Comment from : Seb Filmmaking Account |
uhhh… am i the only motherfucker that liked the game? lol Comment from : Nicholas C Key |
More like a fandom blinded by hate for expectations they set themselves I played Mass Effect for the first time this year Went through the Legendary Edition and wanted more so I went to Andromeda as it was on sale I had heard bad things about it but wanted to give it a try I don't see what y'all are complaining about Comment from : DarthGrt |
I fucking love the title of this video Like, you can't even think of something clever to say about this game It's just not good Comment from : Moon Mover |
God I had forgotten how cringy this game was Comment from : Leif Leifnephew |
1:22 jokes on you, it's been 5 years and I bstill/b come back to re-listen to this video periodically Comment from : Pixel Cat |
WHY WOULD YOU HAVE TO RESEARCH MILKY WAY STUFF????????????brbrThe scanner made me stop last time I tried to play through I remembered I couldn't walk 10 meters without scanning something and I was like, this totally screws up the actual sense of exploration and the pacing of gameplay and I refused to go further It's really a shame because the starting planet is really cool looking but it's so tedious and the Ket are so ugly and boring Cora is boring Liam is boring Ug So I uninstalled and played Dark Souls for the 50th time Comment from : Record of Exiles |
I can’t believe I actually went through the entire vid Comment from : arrownoir |
I tried to play this game at the height of the Pandemic After 10 hours, I went back to replaying ME Trilogy Comment from : Sean Nathaniel |
Andromeda is pointless is immediately discredited as anything that makes sense in Mass Effect's universe as the first sentence in the UNC codex Reads, "There are between two and four hundred billion stars in the galaxy, and less than 1 of them have ever been visited or had their systems properly surveyed" The ENTIRE game only exists to circumvent the ME3 ending with such laughable brreasoning as to why such a task would be undertaken to another galaxy, when innumerable clusters in the Milky Way would suffice, and in many cases, be so far away from any contact with the rest of galactic civilization that it may as well function as a new galaxy Preposterous! Comment from : TimBurkeu1osis |
"The story is shit and not worth the money or 40 hours"brbrI got it for a fiver off amazon in 2021 after playing mass effect legendary, and it wasn't even worth it for a fiver Comment from : Nektarios |
Actually Mass Effect: Andromeda was the best game in the series so far It's the only game in the series that I just played to play Didn't even care about finishing the story a second time Just would play and complete quests Turn it off and go about my daily activities These huge scope games have become so content filled That completing the game is just a technicality The real enjoyment is in the exploration Comment from : Perfecting The Bold Approach |
Playing Mass Effect Andromeda feels like eating a meal made by your senile mother Comment from : You cant stop me |
I had fun with andromeda but if people weren't little bitching cry babys we would have quarians and if the team was still working on it many a better story line Comment from : Jackson Hansen |
2:19:45 You were too generous with your estimate of one DLC! LOL Comment from : ironwolf56 |
When I was a kid, I played the original trilogy over and over again, I didn't even really make different choices, I just enjoyed the world and characters so much that I wanted to experience them again Given this obsession, the fact that I didn't even finish Andromeda, and just dropped it out of boredom, is striking Comment from : Kira Gray |
5 years later, I love this game Currently going through it for the third time I didn't play for a year or so, and decided to do it again I don't agree with all the hate It's a pretty cool game Comment from : chris merryman |
Before you mentioned the dad I totally forgot there's a dad lol Comment from : NEKOmancer |
I played it with the music off I thought that was the reason that none of it made sense Comment from : Breyonna |
Meh i never really choose fem shep Comment from : Burnwitch |
Playing the last mission in my first playthrough The game is actually really good! I can only recommend it!!! Comment from : Jannie Schlüter |
At 52:00 you get confused about archon annihilating a race or not “Exaltation” is a religious term BioWare was mocking religions Either convert or get wiped out Comment from : Jeff |
You criticism makes the game look pretty good actually makes me want to replay Comment from : ModGaming |
I am watching this in 2022 and I still cannot fucking believe how bad the facial graphics are it's INSANE how awful the characters look Comment from : Rekt Lord Onegaminus |
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