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SHOP TIPS #182 Threading on the Clausing Lathe Using a Pre-Ground Tool tubalcain

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Название :  SHOP TIPS #182 Threading on the Clausing Lathe Using a Pre-Ground Tool tubalcain
Продолжительность :   19.31
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Просмотров :   70 rb

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Коментарии SHOP TIPS #182 Threading on the Clausing Lathe Using a Pre-Ground Tool tubalcain

Thank you very much for your videos Mr Pete
Comment from : @qzwqsy

Thanks Lyle,brLove my Shars tools!
Comment from : @JohnJones-op8uf

If you stop making videos about threading I will have a huge meltdown
Comment from : @TimPerfetto

Questions, which Lathe will you recommend better a South Bend 16" x 6' 8117c or a Clausing Lathe 13" swing Your help will be greatly appreciated Thanks
Comment from : @enigmamotorsport

Great Video, you are a library of education 👏 Thanks for your teaching
Comment from : @enigmamotorsport

Actually, some small cutting does indeed take place on the tip of the right side The SB book itself does state that “most” of the cutting takes place on the leading edge Each time you move the cutter in for the next cut, you will have a step on the trailing edge, usually the right side The trailing edge cuts that step off It’s geometry Draw it out as to how the tool steps, and you’ll see itbrbrThe real reason why we tend to set the compound to 29 or 295 degrees instead of 30 degrees is a simple amount of tolerances and error If you set it to 30, and you’re just a bit off on the high side, you will cut more than a 60 degree thread by twice the error Setting a bit under 30 degrees doesn’t have that effect as long as the bit is set properly perpendicular to the work
Comment from : @melgross

Thanks for making this video, Iam new at this so Iam just learning about this although I was a mechanic all my life so Iam familiar with threads not so much machining threads:)
Comment from : @joeestes8114

Imagine the reading and thinking needed to cut a manual VS a CNC thread CNC is much more complicated
Comment from : @funone8716

sadly we are forced to fund the communist bullshit place called china we can not afford to support our own people for too many reasons to explain here and it breaks my heart every time i think about it
Comment from : @sorryimajerk735

Just what i was looking for as i start my adventures in threading! Thanks for sharing I truly enjoy your content
Comment from : @scratch_440

ha, that's one noisy chaffcutter you have there, I r un A Cazeneuve 575x2000,probably quietest engine lathe made, it is now45 years old, t and I'm older by farr, thanks for vid me boy
Comment from : @stuarth43

Ha! I recently bought a lathe for retirement and I got a older unused one from a local high school like the one I used in my high school days It's really cool to see you using a Clausing like mine I have the 5902 12x24 Varispeed which is very nearly identical to this one
Comment from : @gwkdad

Has anyone made their own threading dial? My logan 10” change gear doesn’t have one and the want a “kings ransom” for one on ebay Any links or videos would be appretiated
Comment from : @richharr

Mr Pete I need an advise here, you never mentionned about using a thread file Can you give an opinion on the issue please, thanks very much
Comment from : @MultiChaga

Love you videos!
Comment from : @michael_cassellahotmailcom

How do you figure out the depth of the "undercut?"
Comment from : @jea2caa

is that tailstock center spinning or is it my imagination?
Comment from : @frankmolina3951

Tony, great video lots of good info there what size is your lathe are you using an AXA or BXA size tool post, if you had the opportunity to start from scratch which size would you get and what size tool holders would you use with thembrbrthanks,brbrJoe
Comment from : @RaptorMachineToolCo

who gives two bags of a dog's tail if you buy something overseas or not if it's a useful tool or it's easier to use what's the difference I mean I understand all about buying American
Comment from : @izzynutz2000

The 1 degree less causes the right side of the 60 deg tool to stay in light contact with the right side of the cut It helps to keep the right side of the thread smooth instead of being rough or stepped
Comment from : @johnnybarbar7435

Thank youbrAnother exceĺent tutorialbrHave considered a threading tutorial showing single point threading a UNC thread on a lathe with a metric lead screw? This would be of great interest in many of your followers in the UKbrThanks againbrStuart
Comment from : @TheStuartYork

Excellent video, very well and simply explained, keep em comming
Comment from : @davidgreen2442

hi there let me start by thanking you for your videos they are VERY Helpful I have tried this several times and need fine threads like 24 or 32, they all come out nut as a nice V like yours do the threads all "lean" toward the tailstock like saw teeth do you have any suggestions for me I also usually get a rough thread even cutting at 2-3 thou a pass with cutting fluid, everyone says it's due to the carbide cutter at slow speeds and they all grind there own steel bitsyou have proven with this video speed is not the issue so I am not sure why they are so angled and rough
Comment from : @mattgwinner4783

I've recently purchased some Shars tooling, looks to be very good quality from what I can tell
Comment from : @MrUbiquitousTech

I see nor do I accept any reason for anyone tocrktize you for using some less expensive and affordable tools thank you Thank you and letting me know about all those fine stuff you put on your videoI have yet to hit the lotto so saving a few bucks and looking forward a good deal man's a lotkeep up the good work sam
Comment from : @samalverio6208

Kennametal is making carbide tooling in China
Comment from : @73turbopinto

hi my name is dan van der torre I live in west Kelowna bc Canada I am a slow learner I am 55 and I too love whaceing  youtube vidows I don't whach tv any more eather god bless you for your vidows I have lerned so much form you sorry I don't spell ver y good I lern form seeing someone doing things and I am on youtube seeing how things are done it beets tv hands down lol  lerning is more fun if I had a class in scool to work with metal I love working with metal have a good day god bless you and thank you for your chaneldan
Comment from : @danielvandertorre368

Thanks for the good information I went to machine shop school 25 years ago and had forgot alot of the things that I was supposed to remember I just recently bought a lathe and a milling machine and you have helped me numerous times by refreshing my cloudy little mind thanks again your a good teacher
Comment from : @scotthelton2135

Comment from : @w7gee

Thank you for the videoAs usual,both amusing and informativeA question?On that last,skim,cut would changing the angle from 29  to 30 degrees also open up the thread enough to properly engage the nuts' thread?Or would it put undue pressure on the tool head and possibly damage the work?I realize that there are highly detailed processes and procedures for cutting threads but am curiousMaybe one of those solutions in search of a problem kinda things:)  Thanks again
Comment from : @jeffward6342

Comment from : @guilhermevictor3575

Now I can see why my lathe threading attempts resulted in pulled threads as I was attempting to approach depth by advancing the crossfeed and was not using the compound at all I can also see that this method does mitigate some of the lateral loading issues that the tool imposes on the work Do you ever use a follower rest when threading?
Comment from : @ajofscott

Agree with the others, nothing boring about threading videos even if you've been doing it for 40 years No idea why I find it so fascinating but I always do
Comment from : @MikeGalusha

Mr Pete, there is no such thing as "yet another threading video", everone has different learning styles, and as such, a new way of seeing something helps those of us who are tactile learners brThank you for offering another viewpoint and instructions
Comment from : @burly_girly

Are the women who watch these and machine men too?
Comment from : @DogsBAwesome

As always, thanks’ for taking the time to make this video! And I support this site M
Comment from : @mikeadrover5173

thanks for your great videos, I have been watching for about two years i'm sixty four and still learn something each time
Comment from : @waynemontgomery8484

excellent video as always Mr Pete Your videos are never boring, I always pick something up and your delivery is superb
Comment from : @grego3150

Thanks for the refresher on threading and the tip about Shars tooling  Merry Christmas to you and yours, MrPete
Comment from : @thejoker-pd9df

I don't see the big deal, threading is easy It's easy to cut to deep, it's easy to catch the wrong number, it's easy to set it up wrong from the start See, it's just easy Haha
Comment from : @dan27052

Can't have enough threading videos! Well done as usual! brbrChris
Comment from : @shadowdog500

I have one of these cutters not Shars but one brIike it and it works great plus you can machine a lot of threads with the same cornerbrMy favorite threading material is 12L14 or stressproof
Comment from : @toddlfrank

This is fascinating – thanks Mr Pete  So, the compound set to 29 or 30 degrees ensures that only the back face of the tool is cutting, to make a better finish, correct?  If the compound was set to 90 degrees, would it still be possible to cut the same thread by incrementally plunging the tool perpendicularly into the work, but maybe with worse finish?  Is this sort of plunging how square threads are cut?
Comment from : @cooperbaker

In terms if finished threads is there any real difference in cutting threads with a lathe or with a die?
Comment from : @brianhilligoss

The go/no go gauges are marked DoAll
Comment from : @tom7601

Thanks for the great vid mrpete Being a hobbyist I enjoy the detail you provide, it really helps
Comment from : @MyShopNotes

thank you
Comment from : @dogbuggy32

That was great, never can have to many threading videos and I like when each of us in the community create one we all include just a little something left out or a good add to the subject the other didn't happen to include in the project at handbr;{)del---/del 
Comment from : @KeithFenner

Great Job! Keep up the good work
Comment from : @stefanoworx

Thanks , very informative I agree with you on the affordability of import tooling I try to buy as much US made things,but it is getting tough to afford it Thanks again for the video and keep them coming
Comment from : @tomauth3419

Truly excellent throughout with brilliant photography I have a clear understanding of what to do I'm looking forward to the next instalment!
Comment from : @w056007568

I know my recently acquired Atlas lathe is just itching to cut a thread  I'm thinking after this review I'm ready now to finally give it a try  Thank you MrPete
Comment from : @hankus253

Good video We have go / no go gauges at work for many things including threads However I have never seen other ways to measure threads so that will be interesting 
Comment from : @MrCrispinEnterprises

very well explained Great Lyle
Comment from : @68sweetnovember

Hey MrPete,brbrOne can never review single point threading enough and it's never boring!brbrI use the same Shars threading tool and have had excellent results on many different materials time after time!brbrThanks for sharing!brbrRay
Comment from : @RaysGarage

Keep it up I like everything you do and for those people that don't like there is that big red X up in the right hand corner use it
Comment from : @mack255

you tell them mr pete your show great video keep cranking them out
Comment from : @andymandyandsheba4571

Great video  I cut threads on my lathe because I don't have enough dies to cut all of the threads I might want  I would like to see you do metric thread cutting on the Craftsman lathe  I have a Craftsman lathe with the quick change gear box and I have some extra gears  I don't remember why I have them but some little voice in the back of my head says metric threading   Thanks for sharing
Comment from : @AmateurRedneckWorkshop

I am new at this, so I can't get enough of threading, so I look forward to your next video This one is great, as are the others Thanks for making these great videos
Comment from : @kenzpenz

afaiu the "correct" angle is 30, the reason for setting it to 29 is to make sure that isn't over 30, cutting a little on the back side is better than not at all
Comment from : @fuzzy1dk

Definitely not boring and every one I find a new tidbit that helps or at least makes me giggle!  This time I think it finally hit home about why the 29/30º on the compound is needed, thanks to you!   Like so many others say below, some of us can't afford Kennametal bits let alone one of their holders, so I am appreciative of being able to do some of the things I do with with minimal and not so high end tools  The foundation of All Tools are Master teachers and Master tradesmen that inform and inspire us to use our minds and hands to the creative process and actualizationIMHO  Looking forward to the thread mic and wires video!  Thanks, Mr Pete
Comment from : @pjhalchemy

I'm really looking forward to the next video
Comment from : @OyvindRyeng

Thank you for all of your video information, always appreciated Merry Christmas to you and yours btw
Comment from : @johnstrange6799

I enjoy your video's very much, thank you Keep them coming
Comment from : @iiinsaiii

I've had decent luck with Shars, and I consider them great for hobbiests thanks to the price Of course a production shop may not get much use from cheaper tools, but it really let's the weekend warrior get stuff done
Comment from : @russtuff

cosmo41brI buy Shars because I can afford them and they work
Comment from : @kenconfer5152

Interesting I always wanted to see that done
Comment from : @shartne

Great video looking forward to you next video on how to Measure threads
Comment from : @jigandtoolguy

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