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THIS IS WHY Mass Effect Andromeda was such a DISASTER!


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Название :  THIS IS WHY Mass Effect Andromeda was such a DISASTER!
Продолжительность :   13.08
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Коментарии THIS IS WHY Mass Effect Andromeda was such a DISASTER!

Solar rpg
Watching this after playing Starfield 😂 Andromeda is a masterpiece compared
Comment from : Solar rpg

Kyle Pennington-Hirth
I generally liked the game I saw it as making something completely new is difficult Granted some things were a bit of a letdown But I really liked it and I hope they continue the series Again, that's just me
Comment from : Kyle Pennington-Hirth

Andy Au
I disagreed I bought it on a deep discount in 2022 and had 3 playthroughs One of my best buy My only grip is the loading time, although my get round was to save at waypoint stations, much quicker to reload Story line is good enough for blockbuster movie, combat is varied and fluid, weapons augmentation is fun, like turning a burst fire assault rifle to automatic with sticky grenades; and lookout foe vintage heat sink augmentation
Comment from : Andy Au

Pe San 66
I played it ten times! This game is incredibly good!😃👍
Comment from : Pe San 66

Liberal POS ruin everything
Comment from : McKinzie

Tiago Serra
Im playing the game now and i actually like it a lot
Comment from : Tiago Serra

Benjamin Dyer
But I love this game!
Comment from : Benjamin Dyer

Jurgen Nolte
Was not that bad I have seen worse your full of shit
Comment from : Jurgen Nolte

zerofire 31
Real reason the game sucks Takes place before reaper war but somehow has the tech capability to build a citadel, all the races get along more than they did in MW 3 arks Somehow passes thru darkspace (reaper domain) without the reapers killing them Dark space wouldnt have been safe to traverse until reapers are destroyed synthed or controlled The choices u make dont matter At least in game aside from like 3 and bc there wont be another mea game we wont see what those choices meant long term The game isnt terrible but the story's startpoint makes no sense and without 2 more mea games it wont matter what happened in andromeda Also the kett cant be defeated or negotiated with so the ending will be pointless and the scourge is going to destroy the andromeda galaxy eventually They wrote the story into a corner to end badly eventually
Comment from : zerofire 31

Although it’s not as great as the Shepard trilogy it’s still a good game The premise is great The combat was good Planets look good What was kinda lame was the plot It just revolved around the kett Not really anything to be terrified about No real consequences for decisions Also Ryder is always a good guy I can be sarcastic or to the point, but I can’t be evil So replay will only be different if choose to focus on a different player class I’d say the game was a 7-10 as for mass effect it was an 11-10
Comment from : jsagers2008

Brad Pitt
Now the game is actually good if you survive still bad start
Comment from : Brad Pitt

My only gripe with the game is you can only have 3 powers loaded up at a time and I loved the combat from ME3 so much using all the different powers at once Definitely wouldn't call the game shit
Comment from : StickyColaBud

Brielle Derkacz
Your kidding right I loved mass affect Andromeda, I just went through it again a few months ago It was an amazing game, whether it followed storyline or not
Comment from : Brielle Derkacz

Skiltonjack Music
Bob Dylan of video games ha ha
Comment from : Skiltonjack Music

Power Balance VA / The Last Kitsune Prince
I actually don't have a problem with the game Too bad the DLC that was supposed to continue the story never got finished
Comment from : Power Balance VA / The Last Kitsune Prince

Josh Mccluskey
Andromeda is dogshit and turns out anthem was to😢😢😢
Comment from : Josh Mccluskey

Mark W
Welcome back to Earth! Rage wasnt so blind eh?
Comment from : Mark W

Doris B
I still play this game to this day but my biggest gripe with it is the inventory interface and the item crafting, it's a mess Also the space travel between planets is soooo boring
Comment from : Doris B

Honestly I really can't understand why this game gets so much hate in my opinion the writing is just as good The companions and your interactions and quests everything's pretty good just cuz it's not Shepherd anymore like okay but in its own right the story and everything is good the combat is better than in the older games the only thing I really don't like is how convoluted they made the crafting and upgrades and to so much the equipment I wish they'd streamline that a bit more but outside of that I didn't have too many complaints
Comment from : Shawn

cleft turnip
its a great game its so much better than most games Nerds just like complaining
Comment from : cleft turnip

Biz Barley
I don't care about being on schedule anymore with titles (Elden Ring) Shit happens, making really good games is hard work that requires a large team of individuals to all be on the same page, and lots of different personalities and ideas to be working in harmony with one another I would rather a game be delayed a few months to a few years if that's what it takes to get it right Even if it means the whole project gets scrapped altogether I would rather they just come out and be honest, treat us like adults and not little spoiled children and say something like:brbr "We've had major issues, it's going to take much longer than we thought to get it right We are not going to release a substandard product and charge our loyal customers full price for it unless it lives up to the high standards we the developers and you the customers have come to expect We apologize and will be posting updates in coming months When this title is released it will be complete and coherent, or it will not be released at all" brbrI don't know about ya'll, but I would respect the hell out of a company that posted a statement like that It's also why I will never trust PCDR ever again
Comment from : Biz Barley

Wasn't terrible
Comment from : J

The trilogy wasnt as good as people remember Andromeda was better to me I think a generation of spoiled children ruined Andromeda Nothing is perfect
Comment from : Oakwood310

Blitz Phantom
There’s no way this was developed for 5 years, two years MAX
Comment from : Blitz Phantom

this video: "THIS IS WHY Mass Effect Andromeda was such a DISASTER! This happened when EA-"brbrme: well I got my answer!
Comment from : LeBonkerz

Huge Mass Effect fan here, but avoided Andromeda because reasonsbrTried it before as Scott Ryder Wasn't pushedbrbrJust beat ME Legendary Trilogy, jumped into Andromeda via Game Pass 10 hours in and absolutely loving it!brCreated a Custom Sara Ryder that I absolutely loved! And that actually made the game & animations much betterbrbrAlso, once I realised Sara Ryder Voice Actor is the same as Aqua (KH) VA - I just started gushing over every line 😂
Comment from : NPDStudio

I haven't played the original trilogy, but andromeda makes me want to play it Of course the glitches ruin a lot of it but I think the story and characters are really well written It feels just like Dragon Age 2 Good story and planning, horrible deadline
Comment from : Vinx

Rob Hand
I'm 35 and even i dont give a shit about Bob Dylan He is as over rated as the beatles What we really should take from this is our game are made by out of touch boomers
Comment from : Rob Hand

M Giebus
It's so funny coming back to watch this after reading how gamer's bought into Bioware's Hail Mary half assed trilogy remaster We get what we deserve
Comment from : M Giebus

Timothy Witham
This game was awesome I haven't ran into any glitches
Comment from : Timothy Witham

Miss this duo
Comment from : Macloud

seth hardy
Hmmmm 5 years wasnt enoughpostpone the release After make millions off the the first 3 games There shouldn't be an excuse of why they couldnt postpone it Studios couldnt get along Everyone was shoving crayons up their noses and released a fuck up
Comment from : seth hardy

tbh, betas, check your freaking buttplugs, since you just missed the obvious point, intersectionality does not work in video games
Comment from : HFH

The problem was tha it wasnt mass effect
Comment from : poligon333

Thomas C Lowe
I liked Mass Effect Andromeda, great story, fun gameplay
Comment from : Thomas C Lowe

Rob Daly
I miss these two guys
Comment from : Rob Daly

Tealc, former First Prime of Apophis
It's a pile of woke trash
Comment from : Tealc, former First Prime of Apophis

Steamy Ray Vaughn
I want some sort of lore about the remnant for ME4
Comment from : Steamy Ray Vaughn

Barta Bhaus
It’s the best game of 2017, how it didn’t win an award is mind boggling!!”!!,
Comment from : Barta Bhaus

Tom O
I just don't see this game as that rough around the edges Maybe because I started playing it after the patches Been enjoying it more than most other RPG's, although of course it doesn't have the magic of the early ME's
Comment from : Tom O

Couldn't finish it, was so boring
Comment from : J S

Raymond Yu
I really enjoyed Andromeda and if Steam reviews are anything to go by so do many others
Comment from : Raymond Yu

I'm playing this game 3 years later in quarantine times and I think the game is good,,people dont really say anything good about any game in this day and age
Comment from : D SINKZ

R Houck
So what I’m hearing is the mock reviewers either didn’t play it or straight up lied about their experiences because they’re a bunch of yes men And if the reviews had been accurate from the pre launch, it wouldn’t have been released in the way it was
Comment from : R Houck

ryan ventimiglio
Honestly this was the first mass effect game I played and it wasn’t that bad at all 😂, I actually liked it But I can understand coming from the other games and playing this and being let down, but honestly coming from a new playerit’s not as bad as ppl say
Comment from : ryan ventimiglio

Andromeda is a great game Super gameplay improvements and graphics All around so smooth and enjoyable People should stop bitching about every game
Comment from : Abk

James Edwards
They should have put the project on hold for a few years Not rush it out there terrible decision they did
Comment from : James Edwards

Dante Yoda
Sounds like the leadership in Bioware are garbage
Comment from : Dante Yoda

sorry u lost me at kutaku, if u use them for your sources, dont, it wont go well, like ever
Comment from : Sunny

If they had spent way more time on the game and stuck to maybe a bit more of what worked and fun but challenging gameplay without trying to battle politically in game studios it would have been perfect Just delay the game if it still looks shitty so you can deliver what you wanted and what people expected
Comment from : Wonkatar

Nicholas Moore
Did the guy on the left literally just get out of bed and started making this video?
Comment from : Nicholas Moore

The Game Is Actually Great 💯 i Love The Open exploration of It 💪🏾
Comment from : Fayzoland

Tim Condon
I got the game about 10 days ago Im very happy with my purchase
Comment from : Tim Condon

Larry Maciejewski
I just started playing this game, never heard of mass effect and the game was 14 bucks I had no knowledge and no expectations I'm enjoying it til elder scrolls vi comes out (if I live that long)
Comment from : Larry Maciejewski

Atleast no mans sky is one of the best games ever now
Comment from : AdamsTCG

Jumpman 91
Damn EA PR is really coming through with the fake accounts praising the game lol
Comment from : Jumpman 91

completed all 3, just bought this yesterday after putting off playing it, i now have stage 10 bowel cancer, but seriously its the worst mass effect game but not the worst game ever, 5/10
Comment from : FrostFire1987

Flower The NCR Ranger
If they had one more year
Comment from : Flower The NCR Ranger

Chris Riley1983
Bob Dylon of video games that is what Anthem was suppose to be?
Comment from : Chris Riley1983

You could tell the game was bullshit because you only got to play as your twin ONCE in the game, and they were basically in cryogenic storage 90 of the game, character customization at that point completely useless The ending was not an ending at all, you never even got to see the mother wake, whatever happened to Reyes, or commander Shepard's remains Shit this game wouldve been platinum if Shepard himself was confidentially in cryo and helped stopped the Archon and sold off something far worse than him coming to disrupt the clusters Complete disaster, I wanted to build on the characters a bit more
Comment from : Grow

Mitch Conner
This was the last game I was truly exited about my feelings to the whole gaming industry went down because of this game It still hurts me
Comment from : Mitch Conner

K_Balu a Mösterpék
They would better make Mass Effect 4 to be a true sequel for the first three game and throw away the trilogy tag, no this big bucket of bullsh*t
Comment from : K_Balu a Mösterpék

to me mass effect 2 was afwul, mass effect 1 was way better, a true rpg
Comment from : Tecnovlog

TrueBlackSaiyan _23
Don't worry guys better be back Mass Effect Andromeda the redo coming out 2026 I really want them to keep the shepherd story going that's what they should have did🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😂😂
Comment from : TrueBlackSaiyan _23

its just luke Revive
tl;dr EA decided to have it released despite the game being partially unfinished and unpolished, especially in the animations
Comment from : its just luke Revive

Im absolutely loving mass effect andromedia playing it at the moment I'm just terribly sad that no dcl is coming out or maybe even another mass effect because of those few that always seem to make the most noise on the net
Comment from : Maverick

Gemayel Miller
I hope mass effect 5 be better than Andromeda for real !!!!
Comment from : Gemayel Miller

Sky Kings Barrel Roll Personified
The "Bob Dylan" of videogames WTF does that even mean
Comment from : Sky Kings Barrel Roll Personified

It wasn't It's great Playing it again currently for the fourth time Just went through original trilogy again Only ME3 is better, but only in a few ways Andromeda has the best combat of the series
Comment from : Chyllstorm

monkey about
The Bob Dylan is Anthem Good job EA
Comment from : monkey about

The Collector Lee 88
As usual EA unethical method, if the game is so bad why put it out, making them the mass effect franchise a laughing stock !!!!!
Comment from : The Collector Lee 88

Harry Burgan Jr
Dylan was Anthem lmao
Comment from : Harry Burgan Jr

Lord Marvin
not to mention racism
Comment from : Lord Marvin

Listen to those two twats
Comment from : Aleks

The game is fucking awesome, fuck you all becasue of YOU we wont get anything good like this anymore !
Comment from : Aleks

To be honest the game was great the story was shit that was about it if you pllayed andromeda ud know that was the crappy modded was amazing BUT the problem i have with this game is that it should be its own series mass effect 4 should be back in the imlky wayother thing that doesnt add up is that in 600 years the milky way races did not make another drive that goes faster??? or they are wiped outit took them too long to get to andromeda so if i was making up the storyline 600 its a long ass time 200 probbly would have been ok in 600 they can invent beter drvie and get faster than the pathfineder but ehmass effect 4 should be great DONT get me wrong just finished Andromeda it is an amazing game but when i see the story gameplay 10/10 grpashics amazing if u mod the characters story 5/10 it made people not wanna play the game so forced and ryder is just a short dude srry but he seems like a geek not like a dude with a gun
Comment from : G L Z

So basically my favorite sci fi game right next to borderlands and Halo got screw up but hey Mass effect Andromeda could have be better but I'll still give it a try just for the combat
Comment from : CARL JOHNSON 1992

Legendary Dark Knight
"Sorry, my face is tired from dealing with everything" Using an avatar to describe your situation, are you?
Comment from : Legendary Dark Knight

pixie*2121* brown
Wow so sad just thrown the game together n gotten all our money smh
Comment from : pixie*2121* brown

Jameca Folden
I like the game I don’t know what the big problem is, Sure the animations and stuff weren’t well done all the time but I enjoyed it either way Hope this isn’t the end of the mss effect franchise, ryder’s story is just getting started
Comment from : Jameca Folden

I like how EA didn’t learn shit from this “Dylan” oof
Comment from : Fishwoz

Jake Berry
So after anthem’s release and it suffered the same issues, 5-6 years in development 18 months actual production, the bit that I assume must be true is the part about frostbite is terrible for RPG’s and BioWare is in disarray
Comment from : Jake Berry

joe blow
So - about 10 mins of telling us nothing new about Mass Effect, a few sneers at the 'Bob Dylan' of games and a long-assed piece of shit about their T-shirts brGet a proper job lads Tesco or McDonalds or something
Comment from : joe blow

Peter Fox
It is a game that came out 5 years after ME:3 and most of the game NEVER got finished and the rest NEVER got polished Everything in this title is either of a very poor quality or outright broken as hell The pop-in in the open area even on the PS4-Pro is cringeworthy as is nearly ALL THE DIALOGUE in the game! The combat on insanity is so laughably easy that it is over faster than it begun I could name houndreds of genuine flaws and even many issues carried over from ME:3 FCOL ME:A is by far BioWare's WORST game - period!
Comment from : Peter Fox

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